Hydrogen vs Ethanol Check and Checkmate

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After all the buzz about the new water for fuel technology, which actually is a concept that was first discovered more than two centuries ago, way back in 1800 as a matter of fact. I wanted to take a close look at some important facts.

With all the ads and websites talking about using hydrogen Fuel abstracted from water and ethanol, which was the poster boy for alternative fuels not even a year ago, now not even being mentioned I decided it would be good to compare this old hydrogen fuel technology to that of the benefits of ethanol.

A refocus on Hydrogen as I'm sure you can deduce was brought about by the recent fuel crises where were paying 300% more for gasoline and diesel than we did less than a generation ago. When you think crisis, a 300% increase in cost should have its own picture of a gas pump in the dictionary saying "I'm Crisis" ... but, I digress.

So lets jump right into it.

Ethanol not long ago was being proclaimed the future of alternative fuel sources by many experts around the world. It makes sense because ethanol is renewable, being derived from growing corn crops for the most part. It is a much cleaner burning fuel than gasoline or diesel and it is far cheaper to produce than both.

Ethanol burns well and slightly cooler because its molecules contain oxygen and this extra amount of Oxygen also seems to help gasoline burn cleaner when the two types of fuels are blended. This blend can reduce pollution in many older cars by up to 25% which makes Ethanol great for the environment.

All of these benefits obviously get Ethanol a "check" when it comes to its "worthwhileness" as an alternative fuel source.

Now, from my research comparing Ethanol to Hydrogen as fuel sources to run your automobile is as big a jump toward the positive as ethanol is a big positive jump over gasoline or diesel.

To start, hydrogen burns almost 100% cleanly. Its only residue is H20 with no pollution being deposited into our atmosphere whatsoever. So you have to give Hydrogen a bigger mark over ethanol when it comes to reducing pollution.

Hydrogen is also renewable. Remember, HHO when burned as a fuel the hydrogen that is not consumed and passes through merely combines with oxygen molecules in the air to produce H20, which again can be used to extract more HHO gas from. Talk about renewable.

Hydrogen from water is free, for the most part at least. Once you have your auto's conversion kit is installed the only thing else you need to do is add some distilled water and a bit of backing soda.

A quart or a liter of water remarkably will produce a 1833 gallons of HHO gas that you auto can utilize for some 900 miles of driving.

So is there a cost involved, well yeah if you want to move the decimal point over about 3 or 4 positions, but in real world computations it's basically a free fuel source. But, how well does it improve you MPG...

Hydrogen when blended with your car's Gasoline or Diesel fuels will make your car run quieter, more efficient and will create far less pollution. To top it all off, hydrogen hybrid car owners are reporting as much as 50% better fuel efficiency.

What that means to us in dollars is that it's like filling up your tank for half the price or if you are accustomed to having to fill up once per week, you could drive further between fill ups and only have to fill up once every "other" week.

In conclusion, ethanol is a great contender, much, much better than any fossil fuel and it does get a "check" for all of its benefits, but hydrogen fuel, free fuel taken from water gets the Checkmate!

BlueWaterArticles.com: - Hydrogen vs Ethanol Check and Checkmate

About the Author

Michael Littles is a big supporter of the continued development of Hydrogen as a fuel source. You can learn all about Hydrogen and how to use it as an alternative fuel source simply by visiting: http://www.H2O-n2fuel.com

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