Hydrogen the Fuel of the Future
Many people are well aware that the need to reduce carbon emissions from one of the main culprits which is of course is car emissions. The H2 Racer is a small toy car but it’s powered by Hydrogen and although it’s only a small amount of hydrogen is used it’s still a fairly dangerous toy and requires to used carefully.
The H-racer runs on 100% clean fuel produced by a clever designed hydrogen station which can generate hydrogen by solar power so totally environmentally friendly. The heart of the H racer is the Hydrogen fuel cell the cell is capable of converting the hydrogen to electricity to drive the vehicle.
The Hydrogen is converted to electricity without combustion so producing the ultimate clean fuel. At present there are a number of car company’s producing hydrogen vehicles mainly as concept cars and possible future production of them is BMW that has produced a V12 saloon hydrogen powered vehicle.
As hydrogen is the most abundant element in our universe then it would be great if this turns out to be our solution to clean fuel that re balances the effects of global warming and perhaps gives our children a more reliable stable future.
As oil runs out and the continuing unstable elements of Iraq and Iran show that our efforts needs to be placed as far away from this instability as possible. As preparation to Hydrogen cars being a realistic option service stations our now being equipped to be able to handle Hydrogen as a raw material to be inserted into cars and over 200 hydrogen re fuelling stations exist. This may seem like a small amount but it’s a start and a step in the right direction.
A Hydrogen fuel cell works on the following principles. The fuel cell is a special assembly of advanced material layers including a layer called a Proton Exchange Membrane. This is the clever bit that producers the electricity by exchanging Hydrogen plus atoms with O2 negative atoms.
An average fuel cell of this type can be between 40% and 60% energy efficient which is a lot better than petrol. As more effort from car manufacturers are made and the price of having a zero emissions car becomes a reality then there is also the small problem that most governments rely on the tax of petrol and diesel for there revenue.
It will be very interesting to see how long governments push tax breaks on energy efficient cars because as the balance changes there will be a need to generate revenue income of green cars too. At the moment the only hydrogen car I have at the moment is a toy H-racer it’s a superb example of being able to see the future.
I think that with these toys we can teach the children about how to push for a better environment and better conditions for our planet. It also looks like the space race is on for the moon as our next major electricity generation problem could be solved by the resources of the moon. Helium 3 may be the answer to producing a sun type fusion power station on earth.
The next 50 years will see vast c
hanges to our eco system and hopefully toy’s like this will see that there is possibilities to have a better world.
Andy Bolton 39 UK Liverpool
Divemaster / Automation Engineer / Article Writer /
Hot Air Balloon Enthusiast.
http://www.Bravemain.com Hot Air Balloon Website
http://www.info-exploder.com Blogging + rSS feed website.
Article Source: http://www.articlegold.com
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Cars ~ Hydrogen Fuel
Perhaps you?ve heard a great deal about hydrogen fuel cars. These cars are regarded as the car of the future. If you want to have a hydrogen fuel car, you have to buy home kits. The fuel cell kits are widely available both in local stores as well as major online stores. The home kits can help you in converting your car into a hydrogen powered vehicle. In the US alone, you can already find hydrogen fuel cars roaming the streets.
The hydrogen fuel car kits are created by various companies. You must be able to choose a kit that is reasonably priced and one that is of high quality. After all, you will be using the car everyday and the incorporated system should be functioning properly to avoid any problems. The kits are available in a wide range of prices. In fact, the kits range from $150 to $200. This is small money compared to purchasing a brand new hybrid car that costs about $20, 000.
Automobile companies are still making their final touches to the hydrogen fuel cars they have designed. Soon, these cars will be sold to the public. The question is, can the public afford a new hydrogen fuel car? Since the production of these cars is limited, it will also command a very high price. Another problem is that there are not enough hydrogen stations to refuel.
If you simply use the hydrogen fuel car kits, you will only use water to provide the car with additional power. Well of course, you will need to use gasoline but at a limited amount. Water on the other hand is available almost anywhere and scarcity is not a problem. So what else hinders you to convert your car?
The car kits are quite affordable and even an ordinary income earner can afford it. The benefits of converting to a hydrogen fuel car outweigh the disadvantages. If you want to decrease your gas expenses, this is the right way to do it. Aside from that, if you?re concerned with the environment, you will want to use hydrogen fuel because it does not give off harmful carbon emissions.
If you have second thoughts about the hydrogen fuel cars, then gather other information resources online. By the end your search, you will ne convinced that hydrogen cars are real and effective.
As long as you?ve purchased the car kit, you will only need some cheap tools, know-how, and access to H2O or water. Everything you need is included in the kit so you will have fewer worries. As long as you follow the instructions carefully, nothing an go wrong.
For those who are suffering from headaches due to the very high gasoline prices, purchase the hydrogen fuel car kits and soon, your headache will disappear. You will be able to save some money and even save the planet you live in.
This is the best time to make a change; a change for the better. Convert your car the soonest possible time.
Want To Know How to Run Your Car on WATER as FUEL, Laugh At Rising Gas Costs, While Reducing Emissions Preventing Global Warming? More useful information and great advice about the Ways to Save Fuel
Save Our Planet With Hydrogen Fuel Cells
Have you heard about water fuel? Well, it is properly called hydrogen fuel cell technology and it is here to save the planet. Oil and gas prices are soaring higher and higher and there will come a time when people realize that they should consider an alternative fuel energy source.
Admit it, everyday your car emissions are contributing to pollution. If you want to reduce pollution and at the same time save money, you need to make use of hydrogen fuel cell technology; find out more by reading this article.
Hydrogen fuel cell technology is not new. It started more or less eighty years ago but since it is quite expensive, scientists and researchers don't find it a good alternative fuel source. Aside from the hydrogen technology, other technologies have surfaced years ago such as the use of vegetable oil and sugar cane to run a car. However, these technologies did not achieve great success because of the hefty price, climate restrictions, and other issues regarding safety on the road. In short, these technologies were unstable.
Hydrogen fuel cell technology is different. In fact, there are now converted hydrogen cars roaming the streets of US, Europe, and Canada. This improved technology is now more stable. Have you tried surfing the internet? The hydrogen fuel cell kits are widely available online and anyone can get it as long as they want to take advantage of the hydrogen technology.
Experts did not find vegetable oil and sugar cane as viable options. Can hydrogen technology offer something different? If you want proof, the technology is proof in itself since it is science reality. With hydrogen technology, you will still need gasoline aside from the HHO generator and conversion tool.
The conversion tool will need electricity from the car battery and this will be used to conduct the process of electrolysis. Through the process, hydrogen will be extracted from water and in turn provide the car with added power. Obviously, at this point in time, hydrogen technology can't replace the use of diesel or gasoline. Well, who knows what might happen in the future.
By using this hydrogen fuel cell technology, you can reduce your fuel consumption to a great extent and save lots of money. Now, why did scientists and researchers find this technology viable? The reason is that hydrogen technology is much more affordable now. In fact, car companies will soon offer the public with affordable hydrogen powered vehicles.
Conversion projects are easy to build and are quite affordable. If you're interested with the hydrogen technology, surf the net now. Check out the available resources that are in store for you. You will surely get tremendous savings by simply investing on the fuel cell kits online.
Even if you buy the built fuel cells, the cost is still nothing compared to the savings that you will get in return. Well, if you want changes, you definitely have to spend some money. This is a very good investment because you're not only helping yourself but you're also helping the world.
Find guides online to help you go through with your conversion project. Perhaps you have a friend or a relative who converted their car already. Ask help from them so that the task is immediately finished. If everyone in the world consider the use of hydrogen fuel cell technology, life will improve.
About the Author:
1000s of Environment,Ecology,Farming and Recycling and Services -
WorldFarmingPages.com and
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Include this link when reprinting this article: http://www.freearticles.co.za/environment/save-our-planet-hydrogen-fuel-cells.html
Announcing A Way To Save On Fuel and Save The Earth!
It will increase your fuel by up to 60%. Improves engine performance. Reduces engine temperature. You can now Go Green by reducing emission from your tail pipe. It has NASA proven technology. It’s made in the USA and you can even get up to $2000 tax credit.
Hydrogen has a lower flame speed than fuel, it helps the fuel to burn more cleaner. Hydrogen doesn’t replace fuel it assists fuel. Some of the great features of the Hydrogen Cell Generator are, that it only uses a cup of water every 800 miles. It only needs drained and refilled every 6 months. The cell plates are made of stainless steel that will last for years, and so easy to install any one can do it.
By using the Hydrogen Cell Generator you will greatly enhance you engine efficiency. You’ll immediately notice an increase in your engines horse power, performance and improved fuel mileage. You’ll notice a calmer, quieter and smoother engine operation. This is all due to the effect that water has on the combustion cycle inside your engine. The unit will also cool down your engine while drastically reducing greenhouse emissions. Therefore your engine will add oxygen to the environment instead of polluting it.
Make Fuel Safe states: “People all over the world are using Hydrogen to run their vehicles.”
Make Fuel Safe’s Motto is: “Saving Our Earth One Fuel Tank At A Time!”
Their newly up and running website is makefuelsafe. They welcome any one and everyone to check it out and help save the earth one fuel tank at a time!
# # #
I am an internet marketing master consultant. My online business, Ultimate Wealth From Home, helps others create wealth and health. We Freeze Frame your life in Financial Freedom! I also have a business to save the earth from exhaust fumes, Make Fuel Safe.
Are Hydrogen Fuel Cells Good or Bad for the Environment
First, consider the fact that hydrogen fuel cells are good for the environment because they are the cleanest burning fuels ever developed. Hydrogen is extracted out of water and then place into fuel cells as a gas that can power a vehicle. The only emission that comes out of a fuel cell powered vehicle is water vapor. But there are disadvantages with hydrogen fuel cells and the environment.
A hundred percent efficient system of producing, storing, and transporting hydrogen should, in theory, lead to zero unwanted gas emissions. But scientists say that such a system would be very expensive, and that in reality around 10 to 20 percent of the hydrogen would escape into the atmosphere. Such that if hydrogen fuel cells replaced all the oil and
gas-based combustion technologies, such losses would double or even triple the total hydrogen deposited into the atmosphere at the surface of the earth.
Other scientists believe that the hydrogen would be oxidized when it reaches the stratosphere, which would cool the stratosphere and create more clouds. This event would delay the break up of the polar vortex at the north and south poles, making the holes in the ozone layer larger and longer lasting. It is estimated that the extra hydrogen will lead to a 5 to 8 percent increase in ozone depletion at the North Pole and between 3 and 7 percent rise at the South Pole.
The exact extent of this further depletion of the ozone depends on a number of unknown quantities. In addition to uncertainty over the extent of hydrogen emissions in the future, little is known about how the soil absorbs hydrogen from the atmosphere. The scientists believe that this process of hydrogen absorption into the soil could compensate
for all new hydrogen emissions into the atmosphere.
The truth, however, is that using hydrogen fuel cells as an alternative fuel is actually good for the environment in the long run. This is especially the case when the only emission that comes from hydrogen fuel cells is water vapor. This is a major advantages over the toxic emissions that are released into the atmosphere when gasoline is used to power our vehicles.
The bottom line is that hydrogen fuel cells have a major positive effect on the environment. Using hydrogen fuel cells has many more advantages that disadvantages and hydrogen as an alternative fuel has the most promise over any other alternative fuel.
BlueWaterArticles.com: - Are Hydrogen Fuel Cells Good or Bad for the Environment
Richard Lee is a recognized expert on the subjects of environmental and energy conservation and has written many books about them. Visit his website to get more information and signup for a FREE 7-day ecourse and EBook at http://choosingalternativefuel.webmarkets.biz
Hydrogen Is The Free Fuel They Don't Want You To Know About
The problem facing us all is that the cost of fuel, both Diesel and Gasoline is crippling our economy. Like never before we're spending more and more each and every month at the fuel pump without an end or a ceiling to the high prices in sight... But there is hope. Hydrogen or HHO Gas has become a very popular solution... Why? Hydrogen Gas is three (3) times more potent than gasoline which means you need less of it to get the same results. In fact just one Quart/Liter of water can produce 1833 Gallons of combustible gas. Even more, your engine only uses 20% of the energy stored in the now very expensive fossil fuels - and wastes 80% for heat, pollution in the form of unburned fuel and plan ole vibration. That answers the question of why older cars shake so much. The worse your engine becomes at burning gasoline the more gasoline it wastes, the more it pollutes and the more your engines vibrates. But, do you want to know the worst part? The worst part of it all is the fact that it makes a bad situation of high fuel prices even worse, because older engines are just so much more inefficient. Now stop and remember we're talking about burning "petrol" or fossil fuel... But what about Hydrogen Gas? That same car would run quieter and more efficient and with less pollution all because of the addition of Hydrogen Gas. Point blank, with Hydrogen being such an efficient and, may I add, such a cheap source of fuel means when the big auto makers begin selling their much hyped Hydrogen Cars, which are cars that run strictly on Hydrogen Gas (HHO) at that time we won't have to spend up all of our kids' college money driving them to high school. So how many years do we have to wait for Hydrogen Fuel based vehicles? That depends on if you want to wait on the automakers' versions of 100% pure Hydrogen burning cars or if you want to take advantage of some old technology that is already proving to provide up to 50% better fuel mileage by safely mixing HHO with your automobiles Gasoline or Diesel fuel. Yes, safely removing Hydrogen from water to produce a source of fuel is already a viable technology that is available for us all. Furthermore, the technology isn't new; its just recently been better perfected so that we can use it. Without fail anyone that knows anything about engine combustion and fossil fuel and how the process compares to the pure burning, more potent Hydrogen Gas will tell you that Hydrogen, if given as a viable option, is the fuel of choice. Sick and tired of out of control fuel costs? Then become a more active user of Hydrogen. It is simply a better choice. |
Author Resource:- Michael Littles is a big supporter of the continued development of Hydrogen as a fuel source. You can learn all about Hydrogen and how to use it as an alternative fuel source simply by visiting: http://www.H2O-n2fuel.com |
Article From New Ezine Articles |
How Do Fuel Cells Work
As a principle, Fuel Cells operate just like a battery complete with an anode, a cathode sandwiched between electrolytes along with a catalyst. However, unlike a battery, it does not lose its power and need recharging. As a matter of fact, it produces energy and keeps working until hydrogen is fed to it. It can also b stacked up and the total resulting current can be used to provide for the desired output.
In Operation, Hydrogen is made to pass over one electrode while oxygen is made to pass over the other produced electricity, water and heat in the process.
The Hydrogen gas, after having gone through a successful reform through the fuel-reformer, is fed to the "anode" of the fuel cell, while the oxygen enters through the cathode of the same apparatus. Due to the chemical reaction of the catalyst in the electrolyte, the hydrogen splits into an electron and a proton, both of which travel in different paths to the cathode. While the proton passes through the electrolyte, the electron and a bunch of more of its like pass together, forming an electric current in the process are tapped into for commercial use.
The 'Fuel-Reformer' as mentioned above can be used to extract the Hydrogen gas out of any of its existing forms, say from biogas, methane, and ethanol. Even though this is amongst the most plethoric elements on earth, it never exists as hydrogen itself and is found only as a compound, however once separated, it is the ultimate source of clean energy. There is really no problem finding the fuel for successful operation of the Fuel Cell.
However, problems still exist and apart from the fact there are still concerns about usage of hydrogen as a fuel, the fuel cells are very expensive and we haven't been successful in getting them through the economies of scale and hence lower the costs. Nevertheless, it should not worry us too long, since once upon a time, Ford's Model T was expensive too, while the automobiles today are ubiquitous and taken for granted.
Article Source: http://www.articlenorth.com
Jason Uvios writes about "How Do Fuel Cells Work" to visit: dedicated backup generators, diesel generator and electric generator.
Is "Future Shock" Already Upon Us ?
In 1970, Alvin Toffler's book "Future Shock" predicted a world in which technology evolved so quickly society was stunned, unable to adjust, succumbing to "shattering stress and disorientation". A decade later, John Naisbitt took a less cataclysmic look, focused on the next decade, with "Megatrends - Ten New Directions Transforming Our Lives"; he updated that in 1990 with "Megatrends 2000".
Toffler proved to be both right and wrong. "Future Shock" did attack millions of people, but primarily those in the newly freed nations of the former Soviet Bloc, especially Russia itself. Hundreds of immigrants pouring out of those nations to the United States in the 1990s reportedly returned complaining about "too much choice".
Even a worldly British author and high tech consultant who spent the 1990s living and working in Southern California and Washington, DC, will soon publish a book about his American experience that includes a chapter on how even Western Europeans can be overwhelmed by American-style consumerism. The working title? "A Cornucopia of Confusing Consumer Choices: Forty-Five Types of Shredded Wheat?"
What Toffler failed to foresee was the ease with which Americans, Canadians and, within the dominion of their own societies, the rest of the "developed" world not only would accept but often demand faster implementation of new technologies. Generations raised on Star Trek and Star Wars did not merely anticipate desktop computers, instant global information access, hand-held global "communicators" and robots, they built them.
Some of Naisbitt's predictions, such as a rise in home-based "networking", were amazingly on target, especially considering he never used the words Internet, e-mail, global positioning system (GPS) - none of which as yet existed - nor terrorism, arguably four of the most important factors driving late 20th and early 21st Century society.
Perhaps the most astounding - and controversial - look at our technology-based future came in 2001, when Ray Kurzweil, one of the world's most honored inventors, authors and futurists, published his "Law of Accelerating Returns".
"An analysis of the history of technology shows that technological change is exponential, contrary to the common-sense 'intuitive linear' view. So we won't experience 100 years of progress in the 21st Century - it will be more like 20,000 years of progress (at today's rate). The 'returns', such as chip speed and cost-effectiveness, also increase exponentially. There's even exponential growth in the rate of exponential growth. Within a few decades, machine intelligence will surpass human intelligence, leading to The Singularity - technological change so rapid and profound it represents a rupture in the fabric of human history. The implications include the merger of biological and non-biological intelligence, immortal software-based humans and ultra-high levels of intelligence that expand outward in the universe at the speed of light."
And that is only the opening paragraph! (The entire piece is available at http://www.kurzweilai.net/articles/art0134.html?printable=1).
Kurzweil's "law" helps explain what Toffler feared and Naisbitt sought to analyze. As to whether Kurzweil is qualified to make such bold statements, consider his remarkable biography at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray_Kurzweil. Or simply Microsoft chairman Bill Gates' 2005 description of him as "the best at predicting the future of artificial intelligence".
Given Kurzweil's Law, Naisbitt's "Megatrends" and Toffler's "Future Shock" already are being dwarfed by the speed of technological advance. Any new version of either book would have to be electronically published to avoid being comically out-of-date before ever reaching a bookstore.
Consider a few examples of where we are headed in the next 20 years or so:
Military doctors already are looking to field, within a decade, an early version of Star Trek's medical tricorder - not hoping, not expecting, but planning.
The US Army's Future Warrior, the combat infantry ensemble circa 2020, has been called everything from a futuristic medieval knight's suit of armor to a Star Wars' Imperial Trooper. But Future Warrior is an evolutionary process, with the first elements now on their way to US troops in Southwest Asia, for whom small robots that perform dangerous tasks such as checking for explosives at roadblocks already are considered honored and invaluable teammates.
Hydrogen fuel cells the size of soda cans have been powering TV field cameras for the past two years; people all over the globe can flip open their own "communicators" and not only talk to anyone anywhere, but take and send photos and movies, listen to music, download information, send and receive text messages, obtain precise GPS locations - even Mr. Spock would be likely to raise an eyebrow and mutter, "Fascinating".
Kurzweil's Singularity foresees a time - perhaps within the next two decades - when it will be possible to download a human being's memories and personality into a computer. Add an advanced and highly realistic avatar based on that individual's actual appearance (at any age) and an equally accurate voice synthesizer and it will be possible to have a real-time, original conversation with a dead relative or teacher. Imagine Einstein or Mozart or da Vinci preserved for all time.
The religious implications, of course, are obvious, as are the legal and societal: With AI Grandpa still own his house? Will flesh-and-blood Grandma be able to remarry? Is erasing an AI personality disk murder? And for writers and publishers, if copyrights continue for 70 years after the author's death, is an AI author dead - or immortal?
Nanotechnology - microscopic machines - and microbiology are expected to combine to enable the repair of almost anything that goes wrong with any part of the body. No chemotherapy, no contact lenses, no open heart surgery, just an injection of thousands of tiny robotic surgeons programmed to deal with the problem.
Experiments already have been performed to enable two people to share sensory perceptions. In others, robotic limbs have been activated by subjects thinking about moving their own arms or legs. Such bioelectronic advances are expected to enable quadriplegics to walk away from their wheelchairs, possibly within a generation.
- In 1906 we had just witnessed the first flight of a heavier-than-air manned aircraft, a flight that lasted less than the wingspan of a Boeing 747. Six decades later, we were walking on the Moon.
- In 1906, few people had access to a very cumbersome, expensive and unreliable telephone system and radio was still an experiment; today, you can watch television on your cellphone.
- In 1906, the average life expectancy in the US was 46.9 for men, 50.8 for women; today, it is 74.5 for men and 79.9 for women, according to US government tables. But many futurists say for those of us now living, the trick will simply be to live long enough . . to live forever - which they believe the merger of biology and technology will make possible, in one form or another, within a generation.
"Future Shock" and "Megatrends" were products of the late 20th Century, when Kurzweil's Law of Accelerating Returns was just beginning to reach the Tipping Point -- "that dramatic moment when something unique becomes common". In contrast, the 21st Century will require entirely new legal, sociological, philosophical, religious, political, moral and personal concepts.
Perhaps it is - 250 years earlier than claimed by the 1990s TV show "Babylon 5" - truly the "dawn of the Third Age of Mankind".
In 1970, Alvin Toffler's book "Future Shock" predicted a world in which technology evolved so quickly society was stunned, unable to adjust, succumbing to "shattering stress and disorientation".
For more Technology Articles by Ian Williamson please visit http://www.real-articles.com/Category/Technology/8
Hydrogen vs Ethanol Check and Checkmate
With all the ads and websites talking about using hydrogen Fuel abstracted from water and ethanol, which was the poster boy for alternative fuels not even a year ago, now not even being mentioned I decided it would be good to compare this old hydrogen fuel technology to that of the benefits of ethanol.
A refocus on Hydrogen as I'm sure you can deduce was brought about by the recent fuel crises where were paying 300% more for gasoline and diesel than we did less than a generation ago. When you think crisis, a 300% increase in cost should have its own picture of a gas pump in the dictionary saying "I'm Crisis" ... but, I digress.
So lets jump right into it.
Ethanol not long ago was being proclaimed the future of alternative fuel sources by many experts around the world. It makes sense because ethanol is renewable, being derived from growing corn crops for the most part. It is a much cleaner burning fuel than gasoline or diesel and it is far cheaper to produce than both.
Ethanol burns well and slightly cooler because its molecules contain oxygen and this extra amount of Oxygen also seems to help gasoline burn cleaner when the two types of fuels are blended. This blend can reduce pollution in many older cars by up to 25% which makes Ethanol great for the environment.
All of these benefits obviously get Ethanol a "check" when it comes to its "worthwhileness" as an alternative fuel source.
Now, from my research comparing Ethanol to Hydrogen as fuel sources to run your automobile is as big a jump toward the positive as ethanol is a big positive jump over gasoline or diesel.
To start, hydrogen burns almost 100% cleanly. Its only residue is H20 with no pollution being deposited into our atmosphere whatsoever. So you have to give Hydrogen a bigger mark over ethanol when it comes to reducing pollution.
Hydrogen is also renewable. Remember, HHO when burned as a fuel the hydrogen that is not consumed and passes through merely combines with oxygen molecules in the air to produce H20, which again can be used to extract more HHO gas from. Talk about renewable.
Hydrogen from water is free, for the most part at least. Once you have your auto's conversion kit is installed the only thing else you need to do is add some distilled water and a bit of backing soda.
A quart or a liter of water remarkably will produce a 1833 gallons of HHO gas that you auto can utilize for some 900 miles of driving.
So is there a cost involved, well yeah if you want to move the decimal point over about 3 or 4 positions, but in real world computations it's basically a free fuel source. But, how well does it improve you MPG...
Hydrogen when blended with your car's Gasoline or Diesel fuels will make your car run quieter, more efficient and will create far less pollution. To top it all off, hydrogen hybrid car owners are reporting as much as 50% better fuel efficiency.
What that means to us in dollars is that it's like filling up your tank for half the price or if you are accustomed to having to fill up once per week, you could drive further between fill ups and only have to fill up once every "other" week.
In conclusion, ethanol is a great contender, much, much better than any fossil fuel and it does get a "check" for all of its benefits, but hydrogen fuel, free fuel taken from water gets the Checkmate!
BlueWaterArticles.com: - Hydrogen vs Ethanol Check and Checkmate
Michael Littles is a big supporter of the continued development of Hydrogen as a fuel source. You can learn all about Hydrogen and how to use it as an alternative fuel source simply by visiting: http://www.H2O-n2fuel.com
How Hydrogen Fuel for Cars Work
The demand for hydrogen fuel for cars will soon increase as the source of hydrogen fuel becomes stable. With the use of hydrogen powered vehicles, you can enjoy driving for about a month without refilling the tank; that’s discrete mileage, right? At present, fully hydrogen powered cars are not yet available.
However, the existing car engines can now be modified and converted. Once modified, the cars can use hydrogen as fuel. By 2010, some car manufacturers are going to launch fully hydrogen powered cars that can answer today’s energy and environmental problems.
With very few hydrogen fuel for cars at the moment, the price is too high for ordinary individuals to afford. But no one can really tell if the hydrogen fuel cars will soon be reasonably priced. At the moment, you can have your vehicle converted so that you can get the feel of driving a hydrogen fuel vehicle. Rest assured that you can save lots of money because you will be using water instead of gasoline. If you want to gain 35-100% increase in mileage, have you car converted the soonest.
Driving conditions differ and this is one thing to consider when using hydrogen fuel vehicles. The car of tomorrow will have an HHO fuel cell. This fuel cell can even be made at home. There are HHO car kits so that you can easily build the fuel cells since the building instructions are included in the kit. If you want, you can also purchase the needed materials and then look for the building instructions online.
How do hydrogen fuel cars work? The process is not hard to understand. Once the car is converted, you can now use clean water as fuel. The water molecules are separated and then the gases are forced into a combustion chamber. In the chamber, the gases are burned and in turn, energy is produced. Now, the car has power and you can enjoy driving for as long you like. Not only is the hydrogen fuel car cost effective, but it is also environment friendly as well. It can reduce pollution and the emission of greenhouse gases.
So, if you want to save the environment and cut-down your gasoline costs, have your vehicle converted now. Well of course, you need to consider if there are hydrogen stations in your locality. Otherwise, you will depend largely on your water source at home. You must know your options before you convert the car. It will involve a certain amount of money and you have to be prepared for it. And when new and fully hydrogen fuel cars are sold for the public, you can buy the car; that is, if you can afford one.
You have to learn more about hydrogen fuel for cars. If you want, you can take advantage of the various resources online and gather the needed information. You have to know how the hydrogen fuel car works so that you can appreciate it even more.
The environment definitely need help nowadays and the hydrogen fuel cars might be of great assistance.
A Look At Some Of The More Promising Alternative Fuels
Bio diesel is the result of the European effort to remove a considerable amount of the polluting attributes of diesel fuel. This has created a 60% reduction in hydrocarbons, a 40% reduction of carbon monoxide, and a 40% reduction in particulates. Bio carbon is produced from raw materials called feedstock. This material absorbs carbon monoxide in an amount equal to the amount the car using the fuel emits. With this new diesel fuel, diesel engines are working at 50% higher fuel efficiency than normal gas powered engines
Ethanol is, by far, the most popular of the alternative fuels. Ethanol has a very down home farm essence to it as it is made from starch producing plants like corn. Yes, corn is the fuel of the future, although some producers prefer sugar to corn in the ethanol making process. Today, most of the information you hear about ethanol is the E85 mixture, which is a mixture of 85% ethanol, and 15% gas. This alternative fuel can only be used in vehicles especially designed for them as well as vehicles that are 22 E85 compatible. Using ethanol can reduce smog production up to 50%, gas can't say that much. Unfortunately, despite E85's smog emission reduction it is still contributing to ozone depletion, although many experts disagree, and still others have no idea how it happens in the first place.
CNG, or Compressed Natural Gas, is another of the top candidates for the king of alternative fuels. In comparison to gas, CNG comes from domestic, not Middle Eastern Reserves, burns cleaner, and is cheaper. Unfortunately, vehicles that run on CNG require some changes which include: storing natural gas in pressurized tanks, burning the CNG with a modified combustion engine, and it is more economical than gas burning engines. Although, CNG cars emit fewer smog emissions than Hybrid cars, they release more greenhouse gases than Hybrid cars as well.
Besides these top 3 candidates for alternative fuel king, there are other less developed methods. There is liquid coal, which will be too costly to use. There is hydrogen fuel, which will also be costly, because hydrogen isn't naturally found. Fuel cell technology, which sounds a lot like Star Trek, is light years away from being developed. As of now, the hybrid vehicle is probably your best bet as far as fuel efficiency, and fuel alternative. Unfortunately, it doesn't cure us of our dependency on gas. The king of alternative fuel may soon be crowned, but that soon is far away.
Article Source: http://www.articlenorth.com
Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Beach, Florida. Find more about this as well as a paint protection at www.carcarewizards.com
Hydrogen Will Change The Future Of The Automotive Industry
We hear politicians talk about our fuel alternatives and mention electricity as a real possibility for the automotive industry. We hear things like senator McCain offering enormous amounts of incentive monies to help develop a battery that would help,Jump Start the Electric Car Industry.
It is very important that we, The american people, devote a substantial amount of time considering all our alternatives. During this time of research and the real efforts of many to make the difficult transition away from Fossil Fuels to alternative fuel sources, that we take into consideration all ramifications of each possible alternative fuel we have at our disposal.
Electric cars are a real possibility, as long as politicians and big money push for this,clean technology. In reality, one must consider the number of existing automobile owners that do not have the financial means to buy new electric automobiles. There are literally millions of automobiles on U.S. roads at the present, none of which would reap any benefits from a change to electricity.
What would be done to help these motorists? What would be done with millions of gasoline burning vehicles? As Americans, we like to think that we are capable of recycling most everything within reason. But, in a perfect world, if every U.S. citizen was able to make the switch to electric cars, we would have one very large amount of scrap iron to deal with and while we are on the subject of waste and recycling. What impact would electric cars have on our environment?
Electric cars take batteries. Not just any kind of batteries, but highly developed lithium ion batteries. Batteries are inherently wasteful due to the fact they inevitably die, or lose their ability to store energy. Will these toxic batteries be the next mountains in our waste dumps?
Hydrogen on the other hand, is a viable alternative to fossil fuel for our vehicles. And, for the millions of vehicles on the U.S. roads at present, could be outfitted to make and use hydrogen gas as fuel. There is even some use of hydrogen in conjunction with natural gas to fuel commercial vehicles such as buses and cargo trucks at present. This is a proven, clean, green technology.
Hydrogen, being the most abundant element on Earth as well as in our universe should be highly considered as a fossil fuel alternative. Outfitting vehicles with hydrogen producing fuel cells the produce hydrogen onboard the vehicle, to be burned in their combustion engines, not only reduces green house gas emissions but would ease our dependence of fossil fuels with very little waste.
This, in the view of Hydrogen Operated, makes perfect sense. As the world watches America as an example and eventually follows our lead, we could make the transition to hydrogen, and every American citizen would be able to easily afford the small conversion needed to enjoy the immediate benefits of hydrogen power. By not only producing automobiles that both burn hydrogen or in the case of Hondas new car, the Clarity, convert hydrogen into electricity to be used with electric motors, we can keep many of the present day automobiles on the road and out of the scrap yards.
When choosing the next fuel source, Hydrogen operated says,that we must take the long term use and impact to our environment into consideration.Government, both state and federal, must take steps to encourage the use of hydrogen. States must allow alteration or elimination to existing vehicles pollution or smog control devices as to allow motorist full capability to utilize hydrogen as a fuel.
As long as the vehicle passes the pollution test levels imposed by the state and federal governments, their wasteful, unneeded smog and fuel management systems must go. The States need to encourage all alternative fuel endeavors, not just those few that our wasteful automotive industry supplies us.
A company in Arizona, has an inexpensive, Supplemental hydrogen fuel system that can be added to virtually any vehicle in America. The high output fuel cell provides more than enough hydrogen that can be utilized in our automobiles as they are currently configured. With just a very small engine conversion, one would experience 30% increase in mileage guaranteed.This is just the beginning, states Hydrogen Operated Founder, Todd M. Ash.When the majority of automobiles make the conversion, we will see our green house emission fall sharply. Couple this with other nations following suite and we could see a real significant change in our global warming problem.
BlueWaterArticles.com: - Hydrogen Will Change The Future Of The Automotive Industry
Todd Ash,Hydrogen Operated LLC is A leader In The Field Of Hydrogen Fuel Systems For Vehicles and Commercial Use.. Click Here To Visit HydrogenOperated.com For More Information
Future of Hybrid Cars
There are many design concepts being considered for maximum public exposure and benefits on the drawing board of car designers today that look to the future hybrid car needs and considerations that will serve the public well in the course of the next century. Many of these hybrid car designers are taking past and proven sales performers and have begun reworking their designs from the ground up. Instead of a front wheel drive platform, there are automobile designers that are building on a rear platform design for one of the nation's best selling and widely recognized car frames in America and worldwide. The hybrid car designs ![]() There is an aggressive training program in place at one of Americas largest car manufacturing companies that is preparing their technicians to repair the growing styles and variations of hybrid cars that are emerging onto the automobile market. With the extreme difference in battery features and dramatic variance in voltage levels, there is a void that needs to be filled by someone who is equipped with the necessary battery cabling devices that can handle 270 volts instead of the normal 12 volt battery systems. Regular car technicians are typically capable of handling battery recharging requirements, but with the futuristic applications that are applied in hybrid battery design, the best service these car technicians can provide at present is that they can still provide oil changes and tire rotations should the need arise. With a mindset of grasping and expanding the propulsion features that are somewhat limited in today's hybrid car designs, there are retro styling efforts that are focusing on providing hybrid cars with optional V8 engine capacities. There are considerations in place to use solar cells in the framework of hybrid automobiles. The electrical power will be produced through the boot lids and bonnet placement of these solar cell modules. Through the use of solar cells it will then be possible to utilize the battery charging capabilities when the car is not turned on or in motion to replenish batteries that have been depleted through the use of air conditioning or through continuous operation when the hybrid automobile is delayed in traffic jams at different times of the day. This lightweight body structure design would benefit the energy savings to the consumer and make the car more manageable on the highway. There is an effort in hybrid car design that is turning the out of the ordinary hybrid vehicle into a replica of what is parked in the driveway every day of our life. This blending in effect is meant to bring the hybrid full circle into the acceptable graces of the American public. The future hybrid car will need to focus more on greenhouse gases that negatively effect the environment as well as a hybrid car that will be even more fuel efficient. Without these changes, the production and sales of any type of vehicle will not be possible due to the degradation of our atmosphere. There are many views about hybrid cars in the futures that will change its fuel source from the heavy duty batteries in use today, to hydrogen-power fuel cell. This will take away the need for hybrid cars to have to use gasoline completely in order to transverse down the major highways. |
Author Resource:- More resources about Hybrid Cars can be found in http://hybridcars.simpleusermanual.com p.s. Albert left his 9 to 5 job after working in MNC for over 10 years, and jumped into INTERNET era. He has invested many resources and time in My Success Roadmap |
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Get Off The Grid - Get A Solar Power System
Solar power is now a viable option for many homeowners as the cost of electricity continues to soar year on year. One thing is for sure, energy costs will only rise further are energy cost caps expire or are removed. Building a home solar power system is really the only way you can get 'off the grid' and become energy independent, a dream which many homeowners currently aspire to. Saving tens of thousands of dollars over the next two decades could become a distinct possibility if you build a large enough solar power system. You will need to take into account where you live and the energy demands of your home.
The Savings Are In The Figures
Amazing savings are available. Your only cost is the initial fee to install the solar power system, as one the system is installed you will never have to purchase power again. At first, the $20,000 or more that you spend on such a system will be more expensive than several years of electricity. Eventually though, the system will pay itself off, offset by rises in energy costs. Additionally, a large tax credit will bring a welcome sizable rebate. In this way, home solar power systems effectively cost much less than their price tag because of various energy initiatives that lower the cost of these products. No matter the size of the solar system that you use, it will pay itself off in about ten years or so.
Selling electricity back to the energy company may become a reality as it his highly possible you may produce more than you need. But an average household probably won't produce enough electricity from their solar power system to make this a reality. Just think about the winter months when less electricity will be produced because their is less sunlight available. However, the average household could be further renovated to save even more energy and become greener. Newer types of insulation, better windows, and other upgrades can save thousands of dollars a year in energy costs. By changing you incandescent light bulbs for energy saving bulbs every household can still save hundreds of dollars each year.
Getting away from the grid is a long term goal that can be expensive at first but the benefits are well worth it in the long run. In the years to come making your home green and more energy efficient will become even more cheaper to achieve. They will not only use less electricity, but more homes will produce their own electricity as well. In addition to existing energy initiatives such as hydrogen fuel cell and electric cars and better mass transit systems, America is making huge steps to energy independence, and you can begin now by renovating your business or home with a solar power system.
About the Author: Discover the advantages of home solar power systems and the amount of money they can save you. Home Solar Power Ideas has all the details you need to make a solar panel in just one weekend!
How The Military Is Using Alternative Energy
The US military knows that its branches must revamp their thinking about how to engage in "the theater of war" in the new, post-Cold War world of the 21st century. One thing that the military leaders stress is the desire for the forces deployed in the theater to be able to be more energy-independent. Currently the US military has policies and procedures in place to interact with allies or sympathetic local populaces to help its forces in the field get their needed energy and clean water when engaged in a foreign military campaign. However, this is not wholly reliable, as the US might well find itself facing unilateral military activities, or have itself in a situation where its allies cannot help it with the resources it needs to conduct its military actions successfully.
The US military is very interested in certain alternative energies that, with the right research and development technologically, can make it energy independent, or at least a great deal more so, on the battlefield. One of the things that greatly interests the military along these lines is the development of small nuclear reactors, which could be portable, for producing theater-local electricity. The military is impressed with how clean-burning nuclear reactors are and how energy efficient they are. Making them portable for the typical warfare of today's highly mobile, small-scaled military operations is something they are researching. The most prominent thing that the US military thinks these small nuclear reactors would be useful for involves the removal of hydrogen (for fuel cell) from seawater. It also thinks that converting seawater to hydrogen fuel in this way would have less negative impact on the environment than its current practices of remaining supplied out in the field.
Seawater is, in fact, the military's highest interest when it comes to the matter of alternative energy supply. Seawater can be endlessly "mined" for hydrogen, which in turn powers advanced fuel cells. Using OTEC, seawater can also be endlessly converted into desalinated, potable water. Potable water and hydrogen for power are two of the things that a near-future deployed military force will need most of all.
In the cores of nuclear reactors-which as stated above are devices highly interesting, in portable form, to the US military-we encounter temperatures greater than 1000 degrees Celsius. When this level of temperature is mixed with a thermo-chemical water-splitting procedure, we have on our hands the most efficient means of breaking down water into its component parts, which are molecular hydrogen and oxygen. The minerals and salts that are contained in seawater would have to be extracted via a desalination process in order to make the way clear for the water-splitting process. These could then be utilized, such as in vitamins or in salt shakers, or simply sent back to the ocean (recycling). Using the power of nuclear reactors to extract this hydrogen from the sea, in order to then input that into fuel cells to power advanced airplanes, tanks, ground vehicles, and the like, is clearly high on the R & D priority list of the military.
About the Author: Find tips about growing beets and benefits of beets at the Fruits And Vegetables website.
How Can I Benefit From Bio Diesel?
If you have an interest in being environmentally friendly, then no doubt you're aware of the damage fossil fuels are doing to our environment. Not only that, but at some point they will run out. Add in the recent jump in gas prices, and it's hardly surprising that more people are talking about making their own biodiesel fuel. Although it sounds like a great idea, you need to consider a few points before going ahead and making your own biodiesel fuel.
What Is Biodiesel?
To start with, let's take a look at what biodiesel fuel actually is. At its most simple, biodiesel fuel is made from either vegetable oil, animal fat, or mixture of the two. It's a clean burning fuel that is made from renewable resources hence the name biodiesel.
Generally, biodiesel fuel is made from straight vegetable oil, sometimes referred to as SVO. So if you want to make your own biodiesel fuel, you'll need to have an adequate supply of the basic ingredients. Unfortunately, most households don't produce enough waste animal fat or vegetable fat to come anywhere close to making enough biodiesel fuel to keep the family car running.
Using Recycled oil
This has led to a whole new industry, with the basic aim of sourcing much larger quantities of raw product. They get together with restaurants, bakeries, and any other business that uses a deep fryer, so that they can collect the used oil for recycling. The oils are then blended and used as the basis for biodiesel fuel. The processes are the same as you'd use to make biodiesel fuel at home, but by having access to a much larger supply of raw products, these companies can produce biodiesel in quantities that are more viable.
Can I make it at Home?
One thing to remember is that it's not quite this simple! Used vegetable oil needs to be mixed and stored, which can be quite a problem if you have large amounts of it. You also need to dewater, filter and deacidify the waste oil before it can be used for making biodiesel. This makes the production of biodiesel fuel at home a lot more complicated.
Having said that, it's certainly still quite possible to make biodiesel fuel at home, simply by buying straight vegetable oil, rather than using waste products. Even though it will cost you a lot more, when you compare it to the cost of buying the necessary amount of gas to run your car for a year, you can still save an enormous amount - somewhere around 75 percent. Even better, you're saving the environment too.
Can I mix it with Petroleum?
The short answer is yes! It can be blended with petroleum in any percentages and used as fuel. There is a fuel called B20 which is 20 percent biodiesel that has shown significant environmental benefits. It can be used in an existing diesel engine with either little or no modifications. The only thing to be aware of is that biodiesel acts as a solvent and can remove old deposits on on your fuel tank walls and your fuel lines. This may lead to a clogging of your filters so care should be taken. But hey - then you have a clean system!
So if you're interested in saving money and helping out the environment, look at the option of making biodiesel fuel at home. It takes a little bit of effort, but the rewards are definitely worthwhile.
Source: Free Articles
About the Author
Steve Dolan is an environmentalist concerned about global warming and non-renewable resources. Biodiesel may form part of the answer. Find out more at http://www.biodieselfuelsinfo.com